Areas of Concentration

The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering offers areas of concentration for students wishing to focus their required electives within one of four content areas:

  • Aerospace
  • Dynamic Systems and Control
  • Energy and Power
  • Design and Manufacturing

Courses contributing to each areas of concentration are listed on the Undergraduate Catalog. If you take three courses in one areas of concentration, you may apply to have this concentration listed on your transcript. In order for your concentration to appear on your transcript you need to complete this form during your final semester.

Additional Information

  • Please only complete the online form after you are in your final semester.
  • If you are interested in earning a second concentration, only one course may be used twice. That is, the second concentration requires at least two courses beyond those used to satisfy the first.
  • You must earn a C or better in each of the 3 courses to earn this concentration.