KeyShot in Action: A Gateway to Aesthetic Excellence in Engineering Design

Abstract: In this talk, we’ll discuss how engineering students can utilize KeyShot to elevate the aesthetics and presentation of their concepts, increasing the likelihood their ideas will garner attention and be valued. Through an in-person demonstration, the Education Program Manager from KeyShot will illustrate just how quick and painless learning the industry-leading 3D-visualization software can be.

Biographical Sketch: Nick Abbott is a seasoned Industrial Designer with a rich five-year journey in the field. He has contributed to numerous projects for prominent clients, constantly expanding his creative horizons and refining his product design skills. Nick’s versatility led him to co-teach a design course at ASU, which paved the way for his latest endeavor at KeyShot. His bold decision to leave Purdue for startup adventures in the music industry reflects his risk-taking spirit and innovative mindset. Outside of work, Nick is an avid photographer, often found capturing the stunning landscapes of the mountains.