Overview of Advanced Reactor Demonstration Support at Idaho National Laboratory and Modeling & Simulation Capabilities

Abstract: Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is at the forefront of the nation’s advanced reactor R&D effort. Advanced reactor are a promising form of baseload carbon free energy generation and several studies are expecting them to play a critical part in US decarbonization plans. The seminar presentation will be divided in two parts. The first will provide an overview of R&D activities at the lab in support of advanced reactor development efforts. The timeline for forthcoming reactor demonstrations efforts at INL and elsewhere will also be presented. The second part of the seminar will discuss the new ‘multiphysics modeling & simulation’ capabilities being developed at INL as part of the ‘MOOSE’ ecosystem. These tools are being developed primarily to model the complex physics in advanced reactors, but can also be employed to wider engineering applications. They represent a paradigm shit in multi-disciplinary engineering analysis, but enabling the tight coupling of various physical phenomena in nuclear reactors

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Abdalla Abou-Jaoude is an R&D Staff Scientist in the Advanced Reactor Technology Department of Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He is leading efforts in three main areas at INL: advanced modeling & simulation, molten salt irradiation, and nuclear technoeconomics. As the work package manager for the National Reactor Innovation Center’s (NRIC) Virtual Test Bed (VTB), and the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) campaign point of contact to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Dr. Abou-Jaoude engages with stakeholders and coordinates different efforts in support of advanced reactor multiphysics simulations capabilities. He is also leading work packages for the NEAMS and Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) campaign on developing multiphysics simulation capabilities for molten salt reactors.

Dr. Abou-Jaoude was awarded an internal lab project to demonstrate molten salt irradiation capability at INL. The project intends to conduct the first fueled chloride salt irradiation in history at the NRAD reactor. Abdalla also serves as Activity Lead for the Systems Analysis & Integration (SA&I) campaign on developing technoeconomic assessment of advanced reactors, notably microreactors. As part of this effort, he developed an “economics-by-design” framework to improve competitiveness of novel concepts and better align them with market needs.

Previously at INL, Abdalla has been involved in various aspect of advanced reactor designs, notably for molten salt reactors, sodium fast reactors (namely the Versatile Test Reactor), nuclear thermal propulsion, and heat-pipe based microreactors. He also previously supported a private-public partnership with a U.S. utility to evaluate hydrogen-cogeneration options at nuclear power plants. He graduated with a doctorate in Nuclear Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2017 and was the INL Deboisblanc Distinguished Postdoctoral Associate during 2018. He obtained a MEng in Mechanical with Nuclear Engineering from Imperial College London in 2013.