Active Thermosyphons to Condense Water from Power Plant Flue Gas, and an Overview of Energy Research at Stony Brook University

The talk will focus on two themes.  The first will be an overview of our current ARPA-E project to condense water from flue gas for dry-cooled power plants power plants. Water use by power plants is an increasing concern across the U.S., and is particularly problematic in arid regions, such as the southwest.  In this project, an advanced two-phase thermosyphon concept is employed that removes several of the traditional limitations of conventional thermosyphons. The condensed water can be used to pre-cool the condenser air to reduce the effective ambient temperature, for turbine inlet air evaporative cooling, or for other uses in the plant, as needed. The second portion of the talk will provide a short overview of other energy-related research activities in the Mechanical Engineering department at Stony Brook University with the goal to explore future opportunities for collaboration and joint projects between both institutions.

Bio: Jon Longtin joined the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at Stony Brook University in 1996. He came to Stony Brook after receiving his Ph.D. degree in 1995 from U.C. Berkeley, followed by a one-year postdoc at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. His research interests include energy conservation, innovative energy transfer and storage, and energy monitoring and diagnostics, as well as laser materials processing, particularly with ultrafast lasers and the development of sensors for harsh environments. His research has been funded by NSF, DOE, DOD, NASA, NYSERDA, and a variety of industrial sources.  He is the author of over 140 technical publications and holds 11 issued and pending patents. He has received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, two Excellence in Teaching Awards, and an R&D 100 award.  He is a licensed Professional Engineer in New York State and serves as a technical advisor to a variety of companies and non-profit organizations.