Month: September 2014

Dr. Robert Gao Wins Award From IEEE


Dr. Robert Gao Wins Award From IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society

Dr. Robert Gao (ME) has been awarded the Technical Award by the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society. The I&M Society Technical Award is given to an individual or group of individuals for outstanding contribution or leadership in advancing instrumentation design or measurement technique. The citation reads: “For significantly advancing the state-of-the-art in electrical capacitance tomography instrument design.” Dr. Gao received this award at the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) held in Montevideo, Uruguay. The award came with a $2,000 prize and a plaque.



Lee Langston In Sweden

Professor Emeritus Lee Langston Serving As Short-Term Professor In Sweden

Lee Langston, Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering, is currently serving as a short-term professor at KTH, Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The appointment takes place from Sept. 10 to Oct. 2, 2014.  He will give seminars on gas turbine technology and participate as a member of the grading committee for the disputation of a Ph.D candidate.

Program Wins Grant from  the Harvey Hubbell Foundation

A program designed to improve learning outcomes for students in Engineering and eventually other STEM fields has been awarded a $178,384 grant from the Hubbell Foundation in Shelton, CT. The proposal, “Improving Educational Outcomes for Undergraduate Students in Engineering: The UConn Lifelong Learning Project”  is a collaboration of the School of Engineering and the School of Nursing, with the support of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to improve the success of undergraduate students, particularly underrepresented students. The PIs for the program are Daniel Burkey, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Diversity for Engineering, Kevin McLaughlin, Program Director for the Engineering Diversity Program and Thomas Van Hoof, Associate Professor of UConn’s Schools of Nursing and Medicine.